Where our Projects Come From
According to research conducted by the World Economy Forum, by 2027, 10% of global GDP will be developed through Blockchain platforms. Global monetary exchanges will therefore be managed by platforms that use the Blockchain thus allowing less expensive and more secure transactions, revolutionizing global business strategies (Carson et al.2018).
The companies that take advantage of these technologies will create a gap that is difficult to fill with the others.
As happened for the internet and E-Commerce in the 90s, the Blockchain, artificial intelligence and digital currencies are not an obstacle, but a new opportunity, a global economic revolution.
The V3 S.r.l company was born from these assumptions.
The Blockchain, until now a reality known only to professionals and enthusiasts of the sector, has now become a necessity even for those who are not involved in IT, at least not directly.
More and more people have to re-invent their working life using technology above all. From the point of view of Long Life Education (permanent education) man never stops having to put himself in a position to learn new skills and knowledge.

How does Ico work?
What is Cryptocurrency?
What does Crowdfunding mean?
These are just a few of the many questions V3 wants to answer, using an “elementary” language, simplifying the use of the new technology thanks to the development and implementation of its projects.

Our Projects - Research and Information Platform will be a platform-observatory that collects information on new Blockchain technologies and makes them accessible to a wider audience.
The platform will offer navigation support through a mapping of all the activities that use blockchain technology to sell their services or products.
For more info contact Amanda Ferri or Luca Pietrobono.
Transactions with Smart contract Platform based on Blockchain Technology
Thanks to the new technology, the platform will allow businesses, entrepreneurs and professionals to simply and quickly exchange goods and services with the Smart Contract.
The b2b portal developed with Blockchain technology, dedicated to digital transformation and entrepreneurial innovation, is based on a Mobile Mining with a minimum consumption of energy and data.
The innovative system of the management of digital exchange of goods and services is based on the hash scrypt function, creating a hashing algorithm on efficient mining mobile in order to avoid consuming the energy of the computers that carry out the software.
At the base of this system is the Blockchain technology in advertising with an innovative tool for the Distributed Ledger.
Request for license submitted to the Ministry of Economic Development “Italian office of patents and trademarks”.
For further information contact Amanda Ferri or Luca Pietrobono
Electronic E-Book with 3D Hologram
“Alice in Wonder World” has always been a metaphor for curiosity and “new vision”
Through the narration of our story, with a childlike wonder we enter the world of informatic concepts and symbols that otherwise would seem difficult. With Alice we discover a new world, the Crypto world. People of all ages, who really wish and want to keep up with the times and truly use the new information technology that is at their disposal, are taken “by the hand” to explore how this is done with a simple click.
We wish to create an interactive electronic e-book gadget that uses third generation holograms to lead the user in a suggestive and pluri-dimensional learning experience.
For more information contact Lucia Balletti.